26 December, 2017

EU GDPR and ePrivacy White Papers 2017

About GDPR EU Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed into law by the European Union Parliament in April 2016, with enforcement date beginning May 25, 2018. With the deadline quickly approaching, organizations are running out of time to determine whether and how the regulation applies to them and if so, how to implement changes in their IT processes that may be necessary to comply with the requirements.
The GDPR supersedes the Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC), which had been the basis of European privacy laws since 1995. Like most governmental regulations, the GDPR is a complex document and in some respects, is open to interpretation. The intent of the legislation is to protect the privacy of EU citizens and standardize the laws across all EU countries.

The good news is that organizations have many tools at their disposal to help them carry out and document the steps that must be taken to meet the GDPR requirements, from identifying the personal data that must be protected, to securing it properly, managing it effectively, and tracking its flow and where, when and by whom it is accessed.

Download White Paper:

Download The GDPR and Marketers - Practical Guide by Marketo


About ePrivacy EU regulation

The Commission has proposed a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications to update current rules to technical developments and to adapt them to the General Data Protection Regulation that will enter into application in May 2018. The objective is to reinforce trust and security in the Digital Single Market. More info here.

Download White Paper:

25 September, 2017

The IAB 2017 Guide to Digital Video Advertising

Practical Advice For Cross-Platform Digital Video Advertising

The current video landscape is being transformed by the confluence of technological innovation and consumer behavior shifts. This new media landscape created by the TV-video shift is increasingly automated, data-driven, addressable, and accountable, where audience is as important as content and context. The perceived dichotomies of television vs. video, broadcast vs. cable, and desktop vs. mobile are breaking down under the pressure of an accelerated convergence of technologies and markets. In a world of endless choices, accessibility, quality content and user experiences are key.

The 2017 Practical Guide to Digital Video Advertising was developed by the Digital Video Committee, a working group of the IAB Digital Video Center of Excellence, primary forum for discussing and addressing the challenges that arise from delivering video content and advertising.
This comprehensive, practical guide to the current state of digital video is the centerpiece of the working group’s educational mission.

See more on the topic here.

Download The IAB 2017 Guide to Digital Video Advertising 

01 July, 2017

All You Need To Know About Chatbots For Business

The Conversational Business - How Chatbots Will Reshape Digital Experiences

e-Book by Susan Etlinger from Altimeter, a Prophet Company

For this report, Altimeter interviewed 24 enterprise companies, technology innovators, and other experts to gauge the potential risks and opportunities of conversational interfaces.
The interviewed industry leaders identify use cases, design principles, and strategic implications for customer experience, business models, brand strategy, and innovation.
The main focus of this report, is to help business leaders better understand the implications of conversational interfaces so they can make informed decisions about how to leverage this technology. More important, however, is for businesses to look ahead at the
real opportunity: to develop from transactional to conversational relationships, express their brand voice, and become a trusted, indispensable ally to customers.

Download "The Conversational Business - How Chatbots Will Reshape Digital Experiences"

27 May, 2017

24 Facebook Marketing Myths - Circa 2017

Data & Insights to Help You Create a Powerful Facebook Marketing Strategy

There’s a lot of myths when it comes to Facebook marketing. Don’t fall victim to them.
With help from Socialbakers, a global leader in social media analytics, HubSpot team created this guide to debunk the 24 most common Facebook marketing myths so you can inform your marketing strategy with the facts.

You’ve already taken the first step when it comes to improving your Facebook marketing game by reading this ebook...

Download 24 Facebook Marketing Myths

27 April, 2017

The Definitive Guide to Account-based Marketing

111 pages eBook by Marketo 

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach that organizations—from marketing to sales to customer support—are implementing to target and engage their audience and drive revenue across the business.
Rather than marketing broadly across a large number of organizations, companies that employ an ABM strategy focus their resources on a targeted set of accounts and look to deliver strategic, orchestrated campaigns personalized to those accounts—whether they’re prospective or existing customers. While both broad-based demand generation and account-based marketing strategies have their benefits, account-based marketing is the most effective when you need to focus your time and efforts on high-value accounts. That’s because the accounts that you target with ABM are strategic.

Account-based marketing (ABM) is not new, but it is experiencing a resurgence in the marketplace. In the past, it was difficult to scale ABM initiatives due to the high level of personalization it requires. With advances in technology, ABM is now more scalable so more organizations, often led by the marketing team, are implementing an ABM strategy to drive higher value outcomes.

Download "The Definitive Guide to Account-based Marketing"

25 March, 2017

The 8 Biggest Mistakes Email Marketers Make & How to Avoid Them

New extremely useful eBook by Marketo 

Even the most seasoned email marketers have made mistakes. But the biggest mistake of all is not knowing what the biggest mistakes are so that you can avoid or fix them.

This ebook cover the eight most common email marketing pitfalls, including those related to deliverability, subject lines, design, and more, to help you understand how to avoid or fix them.

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well equipped to avoid major email marketing disasters that could hurt your success, sender reputation, and credibility.

Download "The 8 Biggest Mistakes Email Marketers Make..."

17 February, 2017

THE AGE OF AI - How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Organizations

eBook by By Susan Etlinger, published by Altimeter Group

This report lays out the current state of AI for business, describes primary and emerging use cases, and states the risks, opportunities, and organizational considerations that businesses are facing. It concludes with recommendations for companies thinking about applying AI to their own organizations and a look at some of the business, legal, and technical trends that are likely to shape the future.

Susan Etlinger has a diverse background in strategic planning within corporations and agencies. Her TED talk on Big Data has been viewed more than 1 million times. She is a frequent speaker on data, AI and digital ethics, was named a LinkedIn “Top Voice” of 2016, and has been extensively quoted in media outlets worldwide.
She is Analyst in Altimeter Company.

DOWNLOAD THE AGE OF AI - How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Organizations

07 January, 2017

10 Key Marketing Trends for 2017

And Ideas for Exceeding Customer Expectations - a paper by IBM Marketing Cloud

Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data.1 To put that into perspective, 90 percent of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone – and with new devices, sensors and technologies emerging, the data growth rate will likely accelerate even more.

In this white paper, 10 marketing experts from IBM – along with four partners – share their thoughts on the key marketing trends for 2017 with an eye toward keeping you ahead of the shifts that are rapidly transforming the industry and reshaping customer demands.
You’ll find entries ranging across channels (mobile, social, email), technologies (cognitive, advertising, analytics) and strategies (customer success, center-brain marketing, buyer journeys).

Download 10 Key Marketing Trends for 2017